Electronics Sound Effect Tools

Camera shutter #3

”The sky was pink that day…’

File type: audio/wav

File size: 109 KB

Length: 0:000 minutes, 0 seconds

Bitrate: 2304kb/s CBR

Mechanics Tools

Camera film advance

‘Yes, advance please.’

File type: audio/wav

File size: 581 KB

Length: 0:020 minutes, 2 seconds

Bitrate: 2304kb/s CBR

Cars Vehicles

Car brake and skid

‘You cant stop this infernal machine. Too many wheels are turning!’

File type: audio/wav

File size: 494 KB

Length: 0:010 minutes, 1 second

Bitrate: 2822kb/s CBR

Alarms Instruments Percussion Vehicles

Train departing warning bell

The train will now depart.

“Do you hear that, your highness? Those are our new trains.’
‘Soon we will own this planet!’

File type: audio/wav

File size: 1 MB

Length: 0:050 minutes, 5 seconds

Bitrate: 2304kb/s CBR

Alarms Percussion Vehicles

Railroad crossing warning bell

‘You’re near a Level crossing; pay attention!’

File type: audio/wav

File size: 1 MB

Length: 0:030 minutes, 3 seconds

Bitrate: 2822kb/s CBR